Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Ordained, Licensed, or Recognition of Ordination

Seminary Covenant Community (SCC) is a body duly organized for and legally able to ordain persons.  It is the duty of SCC to acknowledge and ratify God's call upon an individual to ordination in the ministry.  SCC will validate this call and the desire of the applicant to be a part of the SCC fellowship.

Seminary Covenant Community (SCC) will not accept everyone desiring ordination as candidates. Still, it will accept those committed to the Articles of Faith and the polity of Seminary Covenant Community. Race, color, national origin, or sex is not criteria for ordination.

Requirements for SCC Ordination:

1) Each applicant must have taken courses amounting, as a minimum, to a two-year bible college level or be able to demonstrate the equivalency of such academic or other work before an evaluation board chosen by SCC.  Such an examination may be written or oral, as the applicant desires and deemed appropriate by the SCC board.

2) Each applicant for ordination must, for a specified period, serve under a pastor, mentor, or leader selected by SCC.  A said mentor will evaluate the applicant's leadership ability, ability to be under the supervision and teachable, ability to cooperate, servant's heart; communication skills; counseling, and evangelistic skills and report the results of that evaluation back to SCC.

3) Each applicant must testify to and demonstrate a personal life fitness to be a leader, including but not limited to marriage, family, personal habits, financial management, stewardship, and fidelity to the tenants of the Christian faith in all phases of life.
Specifically, the applicant:

  1. Must not be a new Christian - must have an adequate number of years of a demonstrated walk as a born-again believer.
  2. Must have no sexual relationship outside of marriage, whether adultery or any other promiscuous relationship. Marriage is defined as: Between one man and one woman.
  3. Be no drunkard-if using alcohol-using it in moderation, and be committed to principles of Romans 12:1-2; 14:13-21.
  4. Be no lover of money- one with a good credit-good reputation in handling money.
  5. Have a good reputation in Christian and non-Christian circles.
  6. Have a well-behaved family.

4) Each approved ordained member of Seminary Covenant Community shall pledge support for maintaining an ordination status of $120.00 per year. Documents of credentials and members in good standing shall be provided annually. A statement of the members standing will be provided to an organization in which the member is called to serve and requests a copy of the member's credentials.

5) An initial processing and examination fee is $200.00 is to be enclosed with your application.

SCC Ordination Process


An individual who desires ordination must submit a written request for consideration by SCC as an ordination candidate.   At a minimum, the letter should include a declaration of God's calling to the ordained ministry and a statement of one's desire for ordination by SCC.  Also included should be: Application for Ordination or Recognition of Ordination and a completed Thesis of Faith or transcript of educational qualifications.


Assigned members of the SCC Ordination Review Board (ORB) will review the ordination consideration request.  The individual will be contacted directly by an assigned member of the Review Board for additional clarification, as required.  The ORB chairman will then compile the recommendations of individual members, including any recommended provisional requirements for SCC acceptance of the individual as an ordination candidate.


The recommendations of the ORB will then be submitted to the Presbytery-Governing Board of SCC. The Governing Board (GB) will review that recommendation, approve or disapprove the individual as an SCC ordination candidate, or request additional clarification.
Upon accepting the individual as an ordination candidate, the SCC Governing Board will assign a pastor/mentor to work with the individual during the ordination process.  The GB will also set forth guidelines governing the ordination process and requirements for that particular individual.


The assigned pastor/mentor will contact the approved ordination candidate, and the formal review and ordination process will commence.   If the individual is not endorsed or interim steps are required before the individual can be considered an approved ordination candidate, a Governing Board of SCC member will personally advise the individual.


A detailed application for ordination will then be submitted by the ordination candidate and compiled by the pastor/ mentor.   This application will include the original consideration request and attachments; a more detailed personal and family history; verified academic credentials; verified personal and ministerial references; the personal observations and assessment of the pastor/mentor; and other materials and information required by the Seminary Covenant Community Ordination Review Board and Governing Board.

  1. An application for Ordination or Recognition of Ordination
  2. A Personal Profile – Life Experience
  3. A Ministry Profile – Ministry Experience
  4. An Educational back group and a completed Thesis of faith
  5. A statement of personal faith and willingness to uphold the Articles of Faith of SCC; 
  6. A description of the ongoing Christian ministry in one's life and corresponding Spiritual fruit. 
  7. Provide a written description of one's educational and ministerial credentials and plans.

Before the determination to approve a candidate for ordination by SCC, the SCC Governing Board must receive and approve the following:

  1. A satisfactory report by the ORB that academic or equivalency requirements have been met
  2. A Satisfactory report of the assigned SCC pastor or mentor
  3. A firm, written commitment that the candidate subscribes to the SCC Articles of Faith, the SCC Order of Faith and Practices, and SCC By-laws.
  4. Be committed to discipleship through small groups or House Churches.
  5. A firm written commitment to continuing education under the guidance of SCC.

SCC will maintain records of your ordination and ministry activities. The certification of your Ordination, License, and qualification will be available to you at any time. Should you desire your information to be sent to a Church or Ministry, you may be called to serve, it will require an information release signed by you before we send any information or documents in your file.

SCC requires a minimum annual commitment of $120.00 to maintain you as a licensed and recognized minister and member of Seminary Covenant Community. Your responsibility can be pledged and paid monthly via a credit or debit card. A link will be provided for such payments

Submission to:

Seminary Covenant Community
1260 S. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, Fl 32952

Attn. Rev. Dr. Paul H. Rosbury, Chairman

By accepting this process you are making a request to be considered for Ordination, License or Recognition  of an Ordination by Seminary Covenant Community. 